North America Wall, El Capitan A2 5.8


Yosemite Valley, California USA

  • Currently 4.0/5
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1 - 5 of total 5 Trip Reports found. [ Thumbnails | Text  ]
Title Views Last Post Msgs
Two Brits on NA Wall - - Click for details
 Two Brits on NA Wall -
The kind folks on supertopo were very helpful when our trip to Yosemite looked in need of urgent re-planning due to the Ferguson Fire, but it all turned out okay in the end! ...

by Dominic
2,421 Sep 10, 2018 6
NA Wall Solo - Fail - Click for details
 NA Wall Solo - Fail
I made a short video about a Solo Attempt on North America Wall (Hammerless).. there is an article too which goes with it detailing what I learned. Thanks to ever...

by loverock
3,474 Apr 12, 2015 17
North America Wall TR  - Click for details
 North America Wall TR
Ok, here goes, my first photo TR on the ol' Taco. I am like everybody else, and enjoy reading and drooling over other people's adventures and cool pictures, but never get aro...

by Hoots
4,598 Apr 16, 2013 53
North America Wall TR  - Click for details
 North America Wall TR
Ok, here goes, my first photo TR on the ol' Taco. I am like everybody else, and enjoy reading and drooling over other people's adventures and cool pictures, but never get aro...

by Hoots
7,168 Aug 25, 2011 67
First Hammerless Ascent of North America Wall
by Chris McNamara
5,891 Feb 15, 2011 29
1 - 5 of total 5 Trip Reports found