Occupy Wall Street Thread Reposted


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Somewhere out there
Oct 4, 2011 - 10:17pm PT
Wow... I have said some pretty interesting and to the point sh#t on that thread....

Three cheers for Jingy for being right!!!!

(Other more right leaning pundits have weighed in with their jive-ass sh#t too... three boo's for the idiots)

Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Oct 4, 2011 - 10:19pm PT
I don't know, who has oil?

We do, next guess?

Wow... I have said some pretty interesting and to the point sh#t on that thread....

Three cheers for Jingy for being right!!!!

Wow, man!!! Lift up yer skirt, bro, you have yer own cheerleaders!!
Karl Baba

Trad climber
Yosemite, Ca
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 4, 2011 - 10:20pm PT
BES1'st writes a scenario about his small business that wasn't a financial service business and wasn't a public corporation traded on wall street and then criticizes the protesters, whose beef HAS NOTHING TO DO with the kind of business he as in. Come on buddy, it's not about you and definitely not in support of government (both parties have been bought and sold to BIG corporations and money, not your operation, how big a check did you write to a politician?)

as for the defense Budget. Come on Bluering, how can you be for cutting spending when you defend defense spending when it has DOUBLED since 2001. On other hand, your taxes DID NOT double. In fact, they are less than 2001. Income tax rates went down, capital gains taxes went down. And yet you bitch about taxes and spending while leaving the fastest growing spending of all. You really think those third world terrorists will march down our streets if we don't spend as much as the rest of the world COMBINED on defense (which we do)

Here's why the Military (Secretary Gates, originally appointed by George Bush and kept on by that partisan commie Obama, doesn't want the f-22


The F-22 is the most capable air-to-air fighter in the Air Force inventory. Yet it has only limited air-to-ground attack capabilities, which makes it unsuitable for today's counter-insurgency operations. In fact, the F-22 has never been used in either Iraq or Afghanistan. It was designed to fight next-generation Soviet fighters that never materialized, and, as Defense Secretary Robert Gates has noted, it is nearly useless for irregular warfare.

The F-22 has no known enemy. It is the most advanced fighter plane in the world, and there are no other planes that could threaten its supremacy in air-to-air combat. The United States already has 187 F-22s on hand or on order - a silver-bullet force that is more than adequate to deal with any likely contingency. In fact, Gates said that even if he had $50 billion more to spend, he would not buy any more F-22s.

Left wing pinko peacenik John McCain agrees




Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Oct 4, 2011 - 10:31pm PT
The F-22 has no known enemy. It is the most advanced fighter plane in the world, and there are no other planes that could threaten its supremacy in air-to-air combat. The United States already has 187 F-22s on hand or on order - a silver-bullet force that is more than adequate to deal with any likely contingency. In fact, Gates said that even if he had $50 billion more to spend, he would not buy any more F-22s.

To say it has no current role is stupid, and some mil-intelligengece dudes know this. That is why we're somewhat happy with the fleet we have.

The plane is an air-superiority work of technical genius. It shot down 6 f-15's (previous air super-powers) in trials. The f-15 pilots couldn't even see them on radar as the F-22's attacked.

187 may be enough. I'll give you that. But do not dispute the power and future effectiveness of this craft. It WAS money well spent. Not against current campaigns, but future ones. We always look ahead, as we should.

Also, the F-22 technology will lead to better sh#t.

The F-35 is a plane designed to sell to NATO as part of the MIC (military industrial complex). Big mistake. They are giving NATO our secret weapon. Stealth tech.

EDIT: Karl, McCain is an ass.

Oct 4, 2011 - 10:37pm PT
The plane is an air-superiority work of technical genius.

The common house fly can easily out maneuver any plane.

It is far superior and the work of a real genius.

Modern materialistic man is only a crude imitator ......
Karl Baba

Trad climber
Yosemite, Ca
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 4, 2011 - 10:37pm PT
Ever hear this speech by Charlie Chaplin?


Think about it


Karl Baba

Trad climber
Yosemite, Ca
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 4, 2011 - 10:50pm PT
Let me put this another way Bluering. You say you're against all this government debt.

What if every percent that military spending went up, your taxes went up to pay for it. So double your 2001 tax bill.

Still for more F-22 fighters?



Mountain climber
Oct 4, 2011 - 10:53pm PT

...and thats what Occupy Wall Street is all about...isnt it?

And the Arab Spring?
And rioting punks in U.K.?

Karl Baba

Trad climber
Yosemite, Ca
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 4, 2011 - 10:55pm PT

Reposted from Rueters

Citi, BofA Cut Workers After US Tax Holiday-Report
Report singles out 10 companies for cutting jobs

Ten major U.S. corporations, including big banks Citigroup Inc and Bank of America Corp, laid off workers after enjoying a tax holiday in 2004-2005 that had been billed as a form of economic stimulus, said a report released on Tuesday.

With large multinational companies today pressing Congress for another tax holiday, the Institute for Policy Studies reported that the last one did not fulfill its rosy promises for hundreds of thousands of U.S. workers.

Fifty-eight corporations that accounted for 70 percent of overseas profits repatriated under the 2004-2005 tax break collectively saved $64 billion in taxes, then cut 600,000 jobs through layoffs, the report said.....

and there you have it. Why "cutting corporate taxes and giving them breaks equals new jobs" is horseshyit!

...Large companies are lobbying again for such a tax break, which would let them repatriate much if not all of an estimated $1.5 trillion in overseas profits for well below the full 35-percent corporate income tax rate.

Legislation in the Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives would let them repatriate those profits at 5.25 percent, the same tax rate given to them under a similar tax holiday during the Bush administration.

Just as they are doing now, companies six years ago said that the repatriation tax break would boost jobs and the economy. But the institute said this did not happen, as earlier academic studies have also found.



Somewhere out there
Oct 4, 2011 - 11:01pm PT
Bluerags incessant "leghumping".... What a panzie

"Wow, man!!! Lift up yer skirt, bro, you have yer own cheerleaders!!"

Blahblahblah.... Pointless meanderings from a routine head in the ass righty....

Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Oct 4, 2011 - 11:04pm PT
What if every percent that military spending went up, your taxes went up to pay for it. So double your 2001 tax bill.

Still for more F-22 fighters?

First, that's a what if???

Second, I already said we have a good supply of F-22's. The F-18 is a solid platform too. Why share the F-35 with NATO and spend all that cash?

F*#k the F-35. Let's roll with our fleet of F-22's, and we have to build more plane, build F-18's?

Our air force is pretty solid right now. We only need to replace what is decommissioned. Not a lot.


Mountain climber
San Diego
Oct 4, 2011 - 11:26pm PT
Reposting this for more to see . . .

Oct 4, 2011 - 06:01am PT
Want to know the background of what happened to us financially?

Want to know why people are marching and protesting?

Inside Job - Download the FULL Movie

Good short review of the movie:

If you haven't seen this movie yet, then you must. There were 2 9-11s. One near the beginning of Bush's time in office and then the economic 9-11 right at the end. Gee, both on his watch. Who would of thunk? What are the odds of that?


Gym climber
Oct 5, 2011 - 12:09am PT
In case this hasn't been posted yet:


Boulder climber
I'm James Brown, Bi-atch!
Oct 5, 2011 - 12:36am PT
Mangy Peasant

Social climber
Riverside, CA
Oct 5, 2011 - 07:27am PT
That fly was going 550 miles per hour! That is one fast f*#king fly bro.

And the passengers were walking that fast when they got up to go to the bathroom.


Oct 5, 2011 - 11:30am PT
Let me put this another way Bluering. You say you're against all this government debt. What if every percent that military spending went up, your taxes went up to pay for it. So double your 2001 tax bill.

Karl, can't we just keep borrowing the money from the Chinese and let our kids deal with it? It's their tax bill....and we don't need to worry about that do we? Let us keep spending like drunken sailors my brobhams!
Karl Baba

Trad climber
Yosemite, Ca
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 5, 2011 - 11:43am PT
That fly was going 550 miles per hour! That is one fast f*#king fly bro.

And the passengers were walking that fast when they got up to go to the bathroom.

and they both are rocking 66,600 miles per hour around the sun, and our whole shebang is traveling like 558,000 miles per hour around the Milky way. Good thing there's nothing standing still out there to get in our way!



Oct 5, 2011 - 11:53am PT
The modern stupid materialists make a crude imitation mechanical death bird.

Killing machine this F-22.

They think they're advanced.

Yes they have advanced very well going backwards into the stone age wasting everyone's hard earned money and worlds resources to throw rocks at each other.

Stupid people.

Meanwhile half the world is bereft of a basic decent life .......

Social climber
Oct 5, 2011 - 12:55pm PT
Too bad about the original thread it had saliency some in places which is about the most you can hope for on the internetz when the talk is political.

Put me in the austerity camp as a way out of this mess, but now that we’re in QE3 (the Twist is how their hyping that) it looks like the Krugmanites (is it any wonder that he’s Bernanke’s old roommate?) have their hands on the wheel of the USA economy.

It’s been suggested that the occupation of Wall Street is the start of a progressive equivalent of the tea party; we’ll see. Bongos and placards only get you so far. Anonymous is perhaps the wildcard, but 3 years ago those clowns were mostly going after Boxxy and Applemilk1988 on YT and it’s hard to believe that there is any genuine political conscience in those joker hackers.

The most relevant chart in the old thread was this one:
I’d add this one which is a chart of Inflation on the Consumer Price Index over time with the government issued CPI number, which was tweaked in both the Reagan and Clinton administrations in contrast to a calculated change in CPI as it was calculated in 1980, collated by shadowstats.com.
Karl Baba

Trad climber
Yosemite, Ca
Topic Author's Reply - Oct 5, 2011 - 03:41pm PT
I think some austerity is in order but it's going to require some austerity on the part of the wealthy in coughing up some dough in tax increases because it's plain from the history of increasing debt that politicians have bought votes by lowering taxes again and again without commensurate spending cuts. Now we are at a point where no amount of reasonable spending cuts brings us to a balanced budget

And we have to beware of the flip side. What does serious austerity mean? It means cutting people's jobs. Those people become unemployed and that many unemployed will mean a LOT of long term unemployment. That means more folks needing government services and also money taken out of the economy and tax base as well.

Let 'em eat cake? Even the rich don't want a revolution. Imagine lots of unemployed people, thrown off unemployment by the government, facing foreclosures, even homelessness. Hardly the bright future the GOP promises with minimum government and taxes.


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