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Social climber
the Wastelands
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 4, 2010 - 02:50pm PT

Trad climber
san diego
Feb 4, 2010 - 05:20pm PT
weschrist- "Ready to discuss the SCIENTIFIC DOCUMENTATION when you are."

wes- "I don't give a flying fuk about the cities in your fairy tale book. I do care about idiots like you spreading misinformation in order to support your beliefs, and then claiming science has proven your lies."

wes- "Nice try at the deflection though...liar!"

777(Trip~)-"Earthquakes have increased tenfold over the last century!"


USGS data concerning earthquakes of a magnitude 6.0 and larger!

1900-1950 = 74

1951-2000 = 109

2001-2009 = 144

In the first 9 years of 21st Century, we have seen close to 1.5(1 1/2)times as many 6.0 and above earthquakes as we had from 1951-2000.

And we are rapidly approaching the total for the 20th Century!!

Magnitude 6.0 and above:

1900-2000 = 183

2001-2010 = 144(and we 11 months left in 2010)!

That is rapidly approaching a TEN(10)FOLD INCREASE!
High Fructose Corn Spirit

Gym climber
Tall Silos of Iowa
Feb 4, 2010 - 05:54pm PT
Wes- I hear ya, I know what you're talkin' about.
I, too, had a long personal history with it, the bronze age ignorance.
Rife n contemporary times. And coming to terms with it.

But my stategy is not to let these oldbook types wind me up. (On this thread, we know who they are.) My life strategy is just to move on and build up my own belief discipline practice. And then to work to live up to it. Which isn't always easy.

I see it this way. We could've been "fated" to the 17th century in an oldbook community (where working on the Sabbath and engaging in oral sex were punishable) instead of the 21st century where sports, rock n roll and climbing are rife in our lives. That would've been ghastly.

Bottom line: I hear ya!

del Cross- Let's hear it for telemetry, eh?

Hadrian: Brick by Brick.
Ghandi: Be the change you seek in the world.

Trad climber
san diego
Feb 4, 2010 - 06:08pm PT
del cross!


1991-2000(10years) = 23 earthquakes with a magnitude of 6.0 or larger.

2001-2010(9yrs) = 144 earthquakes...6.0 or larger. .

I am sure they have had the majority of those seismographs/communications in place by the 90's!

the Moon and Antarctica
Feb 4, 2010 - 06:57pm PT
Trippy, your documentation is bogus. The bottom line is earthquakes happen according to stochastic underlying conditions in the earth's crust. They have always happened and they always will happen until the planet cools down to the point that convection in the mantle stops and the continents grind to a halt. Frequency of earthquakes is meaningless in terms of anything but your outrageously extrapolated Jesus fairy tale.
You WANT the world to come to some fantastic end, and so did your pal Jesus. Unfortunately for you, you live in a world where these things are actually understood in rational terms, so the effect of your efforts to frighten everyone with dire, dusty old predictions is about nil, unless your audience shares your enthusiasm for this wicked, wicked world to just go away. Good luck with that.
High Fructose Corn Spirit

Gym climber
Tall Silos of Iowa
Feb 4, 2010 - 07:03pm PT
You WANT the world to come to some fantastic end, and so did your pal Jesus.

Cintune- I would've said your pal, Pat Robertson.
But I get your point. Good work!

Berkeley, CA
Feb 4, 2010 - 07:05pm PT
Less than 3 earthquakes >= 6.0 worldwide each year from 1991-2000???

777, your scientific education has let you down.

Feb 4, 2010 - 07:23pm PT
Our present civilization is a mistaken civilization because the mistaken leaders have forgotten to raise the anchor of attachment.

Instead, the anchor is being more and more firmly fixed because they have structured the social order on the basis of sense gratification.

This sense gratifying social and political set-up, is maintained by various plans and schemes.

The leaders, like the boatmen, are all illusioned.

They mislead us into taking some temporary benefit, but how long can their plans and schemes go on?

If they persist until they die of heart failure or are killed by assassins, then another just like them takes their place.

Even the so-called philosophers of modern society are captivated by material name and fame, and so they do not lead the general populace in the proper direction.

Thus the anchor of life remains deeply fixed in the waters of nescience for the purpose of sense gratification, and thus our so-called civilization rots in a stagnant pool.

Because we are not moving, we are always in the same port of problematic life.

Trad climber
san diego
Feb 4, 2010 - 07:28pm PT

I do here you in regards to SLC Utah.

My father was a carpenter, not a big bucks contractor, he was a simple carpenter. We moved 18 times between kindergarten and twelfth grade, and I went to twelve different schools.

So, the beginning of 7th grade was particularly difficult. We left Upland CA and moved to SLC in Nov. 1962. My father was getting on in years, he was 59 yrs old, with a bad back. When I was young he fell several stories off a building they were framing and broke his back and barely lived. Was in the hospital 9 months.

But he was a damn good carpenter/foreman of many jobs.

We hit a low that Nov. 62' and had to move to Utah and live with my sister and her husband. My father went to work at a new lodge they were building for a new ski area...Park City.

Anyway, we were living in a rural town west of SLC called Magna Utah. 99% Mormon. Our family was Catholic. Which they(Mormons) considered worse than the Pagan nonbelievers. Catholics were the devil's chidren.

So I start this new Jr. High school, 7th grade. I got to know one kid, became pretty good friends with him during the 2+ months I was at that school. He was a Ute, a Native American. He lived on the Reservation which was next to Magna. He told me that the Mormons called them dogs(the Ute)heathens, just below mankind etc. And the tribe had another strike against them, being that they were Catholic.

After I had been there a month, I got to know this one kid that rode the bus to school with me. He lived about a mile or two away.

One Saturday he invited me over to his farm house. I couldn't believe all the garbage he was saying in regards to this friend of his that lived close by. He said this kid was a pagan, not as low as the Utes etc etc. I can't remember all the derogatory language he used but he considered this kid(neighbor) realy low.

Somewhere along the road over to visit this kid, I came to the realization that this new friend I was visiting assumed that I was a Mormon. So we visit this kid. and he points out behind his back and so forth how God considers him this and that, he's not like us, but that there was hope for him etc. All the while using LDS terminology as if I was privy to his denigrating nature.

We are on our way back to his place and somehow the conversation turns to Jesus, and how the Catholic church believes He is God there all devils yadyada...I am doing a very poor job of putting on paper this loathing that poured out of him, and all along he thought he had a new friend of the same order or elevation as himself.

So at some point, I had all I could take, and I told him I was a Catholic, and I new for a fact that Jesus was God. One sentence. I wasn't the arguing type. Well all hell broke loose. The kid couldn't believe it at first then he went berserk. Something about how he had let the devil inside his house and went into this bitter rage.

I recall him, his brother and a couple of his friends shoving and kicking and spitting on me for about half the way home. I'll never forget his the hatred and bitterness that raged, poured out of him. It was beyond shocking. I wasn't afraid, just amazed and hurt. All the time thinking, were did this come from.

I hated going to that school, thank God it only lasted another month or two. For everyday was a confrontation with this kid and his numerous friends, pushing and spitting and spewing out hate. I remember standing outside and staring up at the stars every morning as I waited for the bus each morning. I precisely remember asking God "How could You have created all those stars and the sun and moon, and created such a hateful people as this.

I have met many LDS(Mormon)since, and have enjoyed their company and friendship. Perhaps it was an isolated/rural nature of the place and time that had an effect of there beliefs.

We moved over to the more suburban side of SLC, and I made some pretty good friends there. A few were somewhat similar. But many were more excepting.

But you are right, there were few Catholic churches in SLC. I recall only one. We went a couple(1-2)times.

EDIT: I thought of that Ute friend of mine alot as I was growing up, he had to stay there and put up with all the degradation, he lived on the reservation. He is probably still there.

High Fructose Corn Spirit

Gym climber
Tall Silos of Iowa
Feb 4, 2010 - 07:29pm PT
Braun- Our present civilization is a mistaken civilization because the mistaken leaders have forgotten to raise the anchor of attachment.

Instead, the anchor is being more and more firmly fixed because they have structured the social order on the basis of sense gratification.

This sense gratifying social and political set-up, is maintained by various plans and schemes.

The leaders, like the boatmen, are all illusioned.

You're thinking of the Abrahamic institutions. You should call em out. By name. Judaism. Christianity. Islam.

Science is setting the ship to rights. It just takes time. Brick by brick, said Hadrian.

And everyday engineering products-- from planes to computers to scuba diving equipment-- are everyday proof of it. Yeah, baby!

EDIT We're developing a history, Brawny. It's turbulent. Careful, I might have to put you in with G and Seven. Just sayin.

You still haven't answered my other question. You remember: What makes a cheetah go?

Feb 4, 2010 - 07:34pm PT
High Fructose Corn Spirit

Don't even try to put your thoughts into my head which you are trying to do.

Don't project your mental speculations and try to attribute them to me.


Social climber
From the gettin place
Feb 4, 2010 - 07:36pm PT
Your thoughts aren't even your thoughts Werner.

All I have to do is cut a piece of almost any of your posts, paste it into Google, and voila -- I see that you are cutting and pasting without attribution.

Our present civilization is therefore a mistaken civilization because the mistaken leaders have forgotten to raise the anchor of attachment.

from paragraph #16 here:

Do you ever think for yourself?

Feb 4, 2010 - 07:43pm PT
You fool, Wanda, I just said that in my above post.

Don't project your mental speculations and try to attribute them to me.

Trad climber
san diego
Feb 4, 2010 - 07:44pm PT

Google: List of 20th century carthquakes.

Its Wikepedia! USGS stats for earthquakes 6.0 and over from 1990-2000.

What don't you get?

Berkeley, CA
Feb 4, 2010 - 07:45pm PT
Clearly you missed Del Cross's post with the usgs stats.

Just plain old common sense will say there were many more than 2.3 6.0 or larger earthquakes a year in the 90's.

Social climber
From the gettin place
Feb 4, 2010 - 07:45pm PT
Whatever GobeeBraun.

You are not using quotation marks nor citing your sources. You are presenting someone else's thoughts as if they were your own.

Trad climber
san diego
Feb 4, 2010 - 07:51pm PT

I have read Del Cross's post!

I read it three/four days ago when he or Wes or someone first posted it, and I read it again today. It states that since the 30's they increased the # of seismographs to 8,000! Surely they had the majority of them in place during the past 20 years! They have had 80 years to increase them.

Feb 4, 2010 - 07:52pm PT

Oh cry me river, big baby.

This all you do, is try to find anything just anything to rip someone in this thread.

Shows you have no good brain.

That is the sum substance of your intent here.


Berkeley, CA
Feb 4, 2010 - 07:52pm PT
777, you missed the post he just made.

The usgs says that, on average, there were more than 100 quakes each year in the 90's >= 6.0

You said there were only about 2.3.

Here's his link:

Social climber
From the gettin place
Feb 4, 2010 - 07:58pm PT
So parroting what someone else speculates or thinks is better than speculating or thinking yourself?

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