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Desolation Row, Calif.
Oct 11, 2011 - 04:49pm PT
i agree. its a crime for some lazy ass moron who has not planned their life well enough that they bring 4 children into this world that they can't afford. while they were busy making babies perhaps they should have planned on just how much money those kids would cost then got the education/experience/motivation in order to pay for those kids.
sorry guys, thats they way it works. 200 years ago if you were not a good enough hunter the kids starved to death. and while i am NOT advocating that, something has been lost in evolution. if you want a good job then you damn well better be motivated to get one. why should corporate amreica be responsible for that? their motivation is simple. money. if a worker can make them money then they will hire the worker. if you can't afford 4 kids then keep it in your pants.
In other words, you don't believe in the work ethic? Honest labor has no value to you?
Only those who have jobs that are of value to The Man are of any worth?
You are a good toady, Hawkeye, but they'll come for you someday. They have no loyalty.
Social climber
the Wastelands
Oct 11, 2011 - 04:51pm PT
Where does the assumption come from that Obama or Wall Street "owes" the protestors a job?
Anyone care to show how, what source, they got this fact from?
A protest rally sign maybe, an interview source maybe?
What protestor said he or she is "owed" a job?
They "want" a job yes, but owed a job?
From what credible source does the assumption come from that these protestors want to
"take" or "steal" wealth from anyone at all?
The Granite State.
Oct 11, 2011 - 04:52pm PT
I'm lazy.
Fifteen years of experience as a carpenter.
I just wrapped up two years of unemployment, cold calling job sites daily.
Yeah, I'm lazy, that's it.
I have a feeling that most of those who side with the right don't work in the trades.
Without journeymen you wouldn't have all of your luxuries, like homes, flush toilets, etc.
I feel entitled to a job, that's it.
Desolation Row, Calif.
Oct 11, 2011 - 04:57pm PT
Lois, that was very pathetic. You've lost your credibility. Who has hacked your old account? DMT?
Desolation Row, Calif.
Oct 11, 2011 - 04:59pm PT
Unleash the job creators.
Let them keep their money. Stop telling people they have been put on this earth to give you their wealth.
Dump Obama. Jobs are the issue. Unleash the job creators instead.
Finally, skip gets it!! Yes!! Tell the capitalists to get a job like the rest of us, and earn their own way. Stop taking OUR hard earned wealth.
State of Mine
Oct 11, 2011 - 05:00pm PT
I'll remember to tell that to a few of my out of work/underpaid buddies...they must not be motivated!
EDIT: Fvck, I didn't know it was that simple! Thanks for clearing that up!
just to check things out here.....
198 Engineering jobs in MT.
1,486 Nursing Jobs in MT.
1,278 Computer Jobs in MT on same web site.
there are jobs out there. is it tough? sure its tough. but it won't be handed to anyone on a silver platter either.
if all you have these days is a HS education, apply at walmart. or mcdonalds. but don't cry about not having a good job if you have not prepared yourself adequately for the current job market by working your ass off gaining marketable skills.
State of Mine
Oct 11, 2011 - 05:08pm PT
In other words, you don't believe in the work ethic? Honest labor has no value to you?
Only those who have jobs that are of value to The Man are of any worth?
You are a good toady, Hawkeye, but they'll come for you someday. They have no loyalty.
honest labor has only the value that someone is willing to pay for it at a given time. it is (fortunately or unfortunately depending upon your perspective) a commodity. and if you are unhappy with the man, create your own business.
should i pay someone simply because they want it and need it? or should i pay someone because they offer a skill that i want or need at a given time?
State of Mine
Oct 11, 2011 - 05:10pm PT
your supposed job creators have more money in the bank than they ever had,
they have the least taxes theyve seen in 80 years
war, i am all for making the warren buffets of the world pay more taxes. no doubt.
but our OWS folks are protesting the wrong people if they want that to happen. morons.
Trad climber
Fresno CA
Oct 11, 2011 - 05:14pm PT
so your cheering the fact that whenever i get a job,
someone with 4 kids and a family lost theirs...
No, war, the economy is not a zero-sum game, despite the rhetoric of those on the left. If it were, why would we all agree that increasing employment benefits society?
I see skip beat me to it.
State of Mine
Oct 11, 2011 - 05:14pm PT
So if you don't have skills
or not cute, or popular
or can't compete with the other 1000 applying for the same job
try getting the skills or a business so as to COMPETE in the market place. unfortunately, being popular can help you, it is called marketing ones skills. of course, if one has no skills to market then it might help to be pretty. i would not know about that. but it is in fact about skills.
companies cannot pay someone simply because that someone thinks they deserve it.
The Granite State.
Oct 11, 2011 - 05:18pm PT
If anyone in New England is truly hurting for work and is properly qualified, I'll split the hours on my $34/hr, 40 hour a week carpentry job.
I've got a part time ski race coaching job lined up for the winter at $15/hr. It's a good offset and I keep warmer skiing than my usual finish work.
It's called altruism.
I'd have to vouch for you and I'm not sticking my neck out for someone I don't know, but if we meet up and you prove your value, I'm open to the idea.
The reason we're busy is that we care and work for the love of it, rather than the immediate profits. It builds a client base that can't be beat.
State of Mine
Oct 11, 2011 - 05:18pm PT
This leaps out at me. If you are looking to the distant past as a yardstick for contemporary society and policy, you'll be lost down a rabbit hole.
200 years ago if you weren't white you were someone else's property.
Get with the 21st century, eh?
you missed the sentance right after that loves gas.
the point is that modern day survival revolves (for almost all of us) around getting cash to feed, shelter and clothe us. in order for one to compete for that cash, it takes a bit of a survival instinct in terms of planning what one wants to do with their life to get skills so that one can make a living. it is not easy. there are things that I think government can do to help. but the day of HS education and affording 4 kids is over for all but the most creative and hard working individuals.
State of Mine
Oct 11, 2011 - 05:22pm PT
If anyone in New England is truly hurting for work and is properly qualified, I'll split the hours on my $34/hr, 40 hour a week carpentry job.
I've got a part time ski race coaching job lined up for the winter at $15/hr. It's a good offset and I keep warmer skiing than my usual finish work.
It's called altruism.
I'd have to vouch for you and I'm not sticking my neck out for someone I don't know, but if we meet up and you prove your value, I'm open to the idea.
The reason we're busy is that we care and work for the love of it, rather than the immediate profits. It builds a client base that can't be beat.
good job brandon. i have seen your pics on the building thread and i think your work is great. last i checked, where i live at, 34$/hr for finish work is a hell of a lot of money. just saying.
besides, caoching ski racing is a gas and the kids will love it too...
State of Mine
Oct 11, 2011 - 05:24pm PT
i get a job 9 other guys bid on,
i get the job, cuz i only got one mouth to feed and therefore can offer to lowest bid
i get a job, cuz i willing to help toss 9 family into the street
f*#k you cops and boy scouts and self help religious idiots
im not going to stand on anyone else,
to reach whats right and fair
you can always go on a diet....or do the hunter gatherer thing....
if i were wanting a discrete piece of work done and got 10 bids, and the quality/experience level were all the same....i would probably take the lowest price bid....just sayin...
State of Mine
Oct 11, 2011 - 05:26pm PT
I sure hope the Republicans Cut aid to the Native American Indians
They have No Marketable skills, no money, and nothing of value
They just won't bring their game up so they can get a High Paying Job, Total Slackers
We should just let them starve, and stop all assistance, especially Health Care, they are just a group of leaches
not sure why you brought them into the mix. they have casinos in many parts of the country. they have lands that will only increase in value....they have other things that are not "given" to other members of the population. how many years should we subsidize them? by the way, i voted democrat the last election.
the Fet
Oct 11, 2011 - 05:27pm PT
I want each one of them to work in their own selfish interest, that will make the group/society as a whole strong.
Sorry Jeff you are wrong there. For the best results there should be a balance between your own selfish interest and those of your society. Education is the perfect example. We all pay for public education and in time your society (America) has more skilled people making more money, buying more products, and we are ALL better off. When people only act selfishly they will get short term benefit, but over time society is worse off and there is less money and competetiveness in America and everyone including the 1% is worse off. It's shortsighted and self defeating in the long run.
Right now there is too much selfish interest going on. Bush lowered the taxes for the rich and no jobs were created, it just helped setup the huge budget defecit we have. The economy sucks, so people are buying less, people are sharing housing, so the poor and middle class are hurting. If everyone was doing better (unemployment lower, housing pickup, etc.) the rich we be doing even better, but their short term selfhishness is often self defeating.
its a crime for some lazy ass moron who has not planned their life well enough that they bring 4 children into this world that they can't afford. if you want a good job then you damn well better be motivated to get one.
Why does it always go to thninking the less fortunate are all lazy or unmotivated for these people? I was smart, learned a lot, made good choices, worked hard and I'm doing well. But I have empathy and understand some people don't have the intelligence, wisdom, support, or education that I have had the good fortune to enjoy. Some people don't have the capacity to get a college degree or figure out what the best field to be in is. So many of them work extra hard, and can't get a job or even worse work full time or even more hours for less pay than it takes to survive.
Desolation Row, Calif.
Oct 11, 2011 - 05:29pm PT
You get nothing till you do something for somebody else.
No, skip, here's how capitalism works:
You get nothing while you do something for somebody else.
So here's reality. We can no longer afford to feed the pigs on Wall Street. They'll have to start rooting for themselves.
Trad climber
Fresno CA
Oct 11, 2011 - 05:30pm PT
There are millions of American that have no skills, no education, no motivation and no desire to become a 40 hour a week slave
And yet, they seem to want the rewards that we 40+ hour a week workers receive. I know lots of people who want to work more and can't find the work, and they deserve all the help we can give them. I have a harder time motivating my altruism for those who don't want to engage in the prerequisites for their desired income levels.
The Granite State.
Oct 11, 2011 - 05:33pm PT
I hear you on that, John.
What's the solution? Mandatory adult education for welfare recipients? It'd educate the poor, but expand government spending.
Edit; Dr, I DO hear a lot from my unemployed acquaintances about equality. Perhaps we should mandate education in conjunction with financial assistance.
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