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Oct 10, 2011 - 10:38am PT
The Repugs are questioning the 'grassroots' nature of Occupy Wall Street?
Why does that sound so familiar??
Oh, yes, that's right...
The Dems questioned the 'grassroots' nature of the Teabaggers...
Now it all makes sense. Quid pro quo, baby!
Somewhere out there
Oct 10, 2011 - 10:39am PT
"Go crap on a cop car. It's where you belong."
- Some idiots want people to crap on cop cars...
That's American Values for ya
Mountain climber
San Diego
Oct 10, 2011 - 10:51am PT
GOD is on the side of the 99% ers . . .
The Fixx: "How Much is Enough?"
The Fixx: "No one has to cry"
The Bible on the Poor or, Why God is a liberal
The 1% will ultimately lose the fight. Truth and Righteousness will always prevail in the end.
What did Jesus Christ, Emmanuel (GOD with us), tell us so plainly and simply?
"It is easier for a camel to enter through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven."
What you do on this Earth while you live here matters. How you treat others matters. The Golden Rule.
Mountain climber
San Diego
Oct 10, 2011 - 11:45am PT
Mountain climber
GOP Convention
Oct 10, 2011 - 08:21am PT
Turn the heat ray on them, extra crispy.
The evil one
If you are trying to be funny by you keep saying this, it isn't funny.
It's pretty offensive.
Although you are proving the point that the GOP are not caring people. Now I don't know you, but I have heard in person that you are a great guy and caring. So why with the continual evil jests and very dark humor?
Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Oct 10, 2011 - 01:26pm PT
Many seem content to criticize the Occupy Wall Street protests because they cannot distill it to a precisely stated 'goal' or a simple 'solution'. I'm not so convinced of the efficacy of 'goals' as regards national or global events. Complex historical events are set into motion that often bear little resemblance to their intended outcomes.
Good point. But the Genesis of 'change' came from Obama, and as a rather bizarre result, the Tea Party movement.
Change is underway, you got that right. It's ironic that Obama caused this. Not exactly the change he could've imagined.
Oct 10, 2011 - 02:27pm PT
"Many seem content to criticize the Occupy Wall Street protests because they cannot, or are unwilling, to distill it into a precisely stated 'goal' or a simple 'solution'."
Precisely the same thing was said about the Tea Party movement when it started (and some find that this is still the case).
Personally, I find that the OWS movement is fairly murky in it's specific goals, but I understand & support the general sentiment. We'll have to wait & see if it sharpens it's focus and continues it's momentum to a broader scale.
Social climber
Falls Church, VA
Oct 10, 2011 - 02:29pm PT
i think any vineyard owner who pays people for doing no work will go out of business fast...i also think that story is why only 13% of workers are union members (and the number is lower for the private sector)
anyway, i'm not sure exactly what the most important message is in this video...
1. that our founders were right when they rejected democracy
2. that mindless drones are scary...even when they are manipulated into behaving like kindergartners using hand signals
3. that the ows, a primarily and overwhelmingly white group of 'protestors', is RACIST for refusing to allow john lewis, a black congressman and civil rights leader who marched with mlk, to speak at their gathering and that the crowd's effective method for shouting down the man who tried to apologize to rep lewis illustrates everything you need to know about the ows' appreciation for civil rights
Social climber
the Wastelands
Oct 10, 2011 - 02:34pm PT
Yeah, and the Tea Party were just regular folks of all races, SO suddenly concerned about "spending""
Social climber
the Wastelands
Oct 10, 2011 - 02:37pm PT
The Tea Party: SUCH an orderly group of people of ALL races and political persuasions:
Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Oct 10, 2011 - 02:38pm PT
blurring, which side do you think your jesus would be on, assuming he were around today
How can I discuss something with you that you have no faith in, with something you hold in contempt? And yet, you hold this as the basis of your assertions?
It's futile and hypocritical..
Social climber
the Wastelands
Oct 10, 2011 - 02:41pm PT
Fattrad, wherever did you get such a thought? Not from me, honey.
Perhaps wishful thinking?
God put me here to torture you, not going anywhere.
Target rich environment.
Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Oct 10, 2011 - 03:03pm PT
What a shame. Well, I at least hope you read Matthew 20. Your jesus had some good insights... it is too bad many of his followers are too ignorant to understand.
Wes quoting the Bible is utterly priceless.
Did you read the one about teaching a man to fish instead of giving him foodstamps and welfare?
John Moosie
Beautiful California
Oct 10, 2011 - 03:14pm PT
Did you read the one about teaching a man to fish instead of giving him foodstamps and welfare?
Which is balanced by..
Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. Luke 6:30
We could do dueling bible verses all day. So what. Especially if you only want to cherry pick the verses that bolster your position.
None of that leads to understanding.
and I'm pretty certain that Jesus never said anything about only discussing the bible with those who believe in him. How else are people going to understand? But of course, Wes' position is that you don't understand your own teacher.
Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Oct 10, 2011 - 03:18pm PT
What does that have to do with giving preferential treatment to profit driven corporations rather than the people?
Wes, try to be honest as to why banks were FORCED to give out bad loans. The whole race-based, class-warfare attack on banks forced them to capitulate. As a result, they gave out ridiculous loans and bundled these loans into securities to divert their obvious losses.
Yeah, the banks knew they were eating a sh#t-sandwich, hence the divergence of obligation.
But what is the root cause of this problem? Fannie and Freddie. And the notion that everyone is entitled to a mortgage.
John Moosie
Beautiful California
Oct 10, 2011 - 03:20pm PT
Nice one Lovegasoline. that is a good argument for why in todays lifestyle public education should be supported by everyone.
I would add.
blue, So republicans believe that everyone is entitled to have a mortgage? Since they were in charge when the melt down occurred.
Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
Oct 10, 2011 - 03:39pm PT
blue, So republicans believe that everyone is entitled to have a mortgage? Since they were in charge when the melt down occurred.
Wake up! It's institutional, not party based. That's what the idiots crapping on cop cars cannot illucidate.
It's systemic. And it ain't capitalism to blame, it IS the rich. But not the rich employers...the rich elite gov't overseers.
The gov't is rotten. It requires new minds, new blood.
Trad climber
San Francisco, Ca
Oct 10, 2011 - 03:48pm PT
No bank was forced to give any loan, and no investment bank was forced to leverage subprimes. Nor were they forced to hide bad assets and sell them to their own clients. The investment banks were insanely reckless, if not comitting out and out fraud.
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