Monkeyfinger, Temple of Sinewava IV 5.12b


Zion National Park, Utah, USA

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1 - 3 of total 3 Trip Reports found. [ Thumbnails | Text  ]
Title Views Last Post Msgs
A Classic Zion Weekend: Astroman of the Desert aka Monkeyfinger [TR] - Click for details
 A Classic Zion Weekend: Astroman of the Desert aka Monkeyfinger [TR]
Im a pretty lazy person so copying and pasting things over on to ST and uploading the images is too much work. Click on the link to view the trip report. Here are a few photos...

by Madskates
4,639 Mar 14, 2016 16
Monkeyfinger, Zion NP, March 2012 - Click for details
 Monkeyfinger, Zion NP, March 2012
As I stemmed, jammed, smeared, and oozed my way up the sustained corner, my mind and body began to drift apart. Sweat poured out of my helmet, soaking the fleece vest I forgo...

by GNARbarian Climbing
4,158 Oct 20, 2014 15
Shune’s Buttress and Monkeyfinger in Zion - Click for details
 Shune’s Buttress and Monkeyfinger in Zion
I haven't posted any TR's in a while so here is a throwback to earlier in the year. Make sure to click through at the end for the full TR. Zion is a magical and adv...

by cultureshock
3,410 Nov 01, 2013 9
1 - 3 of total 3 Trip Reports found