Royal Arches, Royal Arches Area 5.10b or 5.7 A0


Yosemite Valley, California USA

  • Currently 5.0/5
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1 - 5 of total 5 Trip Reports found. [ Thumbnails | Text  ]
Title Views Last Post Msgs
Cobra with Karl - Click for details
 Cobra with Karl
Cobra with Karl Oct. 27, 2012 “//Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway//.” – John Wayne “//I have a huge, active imagination, [and] I thin...

by wallgumby
6,132 Jun 16, 2016 40
Kicking Off CrushFest 2015: "Brothers Reunited" - Click for details
 Kicking Off CrushFest 2015: "Brothers Reunited"
On August 23, 2013, at the age of 31, I had two stents put in my heart. My right coronary artery was 70% blocked and my circumflex artery was 90% blocked. Yet, I was running 3...

3,224 Mar 08, 2015 29
royal arches crest jewel linkup 5/09 with the wife - Click for details
 royal arches crest jewel linkup 5/09 with the wife
Here goes my first supertopo trip report. Enjoy. My wife Jessy and I awake at 5am on saturday and drive to the parking area for royal arches. We decided to do the alternate s...

by sneville
5,852 Jan 30, 2015 45
Goals, Heroes, and Digging Deep on the Royal Arches - Click for details
 Goals, Heroes, and Digging Deep on the Royal Arches
Two weeks ago I picked up Cory (ClimbingKidCory) enroute to the Valley for a weekend of climbing. Little did he know what I had in store for him. He had just finished ...

5,991 Jun 04, 2014 37
New Route near Washington Column (A Trip Report) - Click for details
 New Route near Washington Column (A Trip Report)
Me and Coondog had been itchin' to git on some new stone lately. I wuz tired of the ol nine to five down at the baitshop and he just got his self laid off at the puppy chow p...

by micronut
11,448 Feb 07, 2014 58
1 - 5 of total 5 Trip Reports found