East Buttress, Middle Cathedral 5.10c or 5.9 A0


Yosemite Valley, California USA

  • Currently 5.0/5
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1 - 4 of total 4 Trip Reports found. [ Thumbnails | Text  ]
Title Views Last Post Msgs
Climbing the East Buttress
by jromma
2,321 Jun 07, 2016 9
Central Pillar of Frenzy warmup to East Buttress of Middle Cathedral - Photo TR - Click for details
 Central Pillar of Frenzy warmup to East Buttress of Middle Cathedral - Photo TR
If you want a report with pictures, visit my website, since SuperTopo has deprecated displaying photos from off-site. Central Pillar of Frenzy East Buttress of Middle Cath...

by PellucidWombat
8,624 Aug 07, 2013 30
How I avoided death on the Kat Walk - Click for details
 How I avoided death on the Kat Walk
"It is easy to get temporarily lost, but the thing to remember is this: don't get involved with roped climbing again." from the description of the Kat Walk in "The Climbe...

by Mattyboy
6,882 Oct 18, 2012 32
Yosemite Pride and Prejudice 09/06/11 - 09/16/11
by Prezwoodz
5,832 Nov 30, 2011 34
1 - 4 of total 4 Trip Reports found