Traverse from South to North, Matthes Crest 5.7


Tuolumne Meadows, California USA

  • Currently 5.0/5
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1 - 6 of total 6 Trip Reports found. [ Thumbnails | Text  ]
Title Views Last Post Msgs
Matthes Crest - S-N Traverse (III, 5.7) and Full Traverse (IV, 5.8) (Photo TR) - Click for details
 Matthes Crest - S-N Traverse (III, 5.7) and Full Traverse (IV, 5.8) (Photo TR)
If you want a report with pictures, visit my website, since SuperTopo has deprecated displaying photos from off-site. Standard S-N Traverse Full S-N Traverse Matthes ...

by PellucidWombat
21,729 Jun 30, 2015 44
Extended Cathedral Traverse, minus Cathedral - Click for details
 Extended Cathedral Traverse, minus Cathedral
Inspired by an Ed Hartouni post, I made an attempt at linking up all the Cathedral peaks from Tenaya to Unicorn on Saturday. Ran out of daylight before I could get to Cathed...

by Stevee B
3,745 Jul 14, 2013 22
White Rat, White Granite: Matthes Crest under Moonlight - Click for details
 White Rat, White Granite: Matthes Crest under Moonlight
Ah, the campfire. The campfire is what you hate when smoke gets blown through your tent door at night. It's what dries your sopping wet boots and delaminates their soles--if t...

by hamik
4,903 Jul 19, 2012 20
Luke and Lizzy Do The Matthes Crest - Click for details
 Luke and Lizzy Do The Matthes Crest
A few weeks back I had the please of climbing the Matthes Crest. We had ...

by cultureshock
5,538 Sep 02, 2010 6
Matthes Crest TR 9/20/08 - lots of pics!! - Click for details
 Matthes Crest TR 9/20/08 - lots of pics!!
Well, this trip report is a little late in coming, I've wanted to put up trip reports before but never found the time. I've got some serious motivation now though. Some of you...

by luquitos
5,031 Jul 31, 2009 13
Matthes Crest TR - LONG - July 26 2008
by BluntMan
3,597 Sep 08, 2008 24
1 - 6 of total 6 Trip Reports found