Trump has entered the Querencia Phase of his presidency


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Ice climber
hartford, ct
Jul 20, 2018 - 11:31am PT
If two adults freely choose to have sex and later one asks for $$$ to not talk about the encounter which could cause embarrassment to the other... wouldn't that be the crime of extortion?

Jon Beck

Trad climber
Jul 20, 2018 - 11:36am PT
fear - Trumps lawyer solicited these women, to "hire" them to do busy work and to "buy their stories". Even if the women did extort money (no evidence of that) Trump is still guilty of campaign finance law violations, ask John Edwards about that, the Republicans were just giddy about him going down for exactly that. I eagerly wait for the spin on how somehow Trump is different.

McDougal's attorney Peter Stris on Friday tweeted: ".@karenmcdougal98→ When @realDonaldTrump said we were lying, do you think he meant we WEREN'T?"
August West

Trad climber
Where the wind blows strange
Jul 20, 2018 - 11:56am PT
I am confused.
AFAIR several months ago all progressive liberals on this forum proclaimed en masse that Trump would be impeached in a few month and would leave his office soon.
Does it mean that they have changed their forecast and that they now believe that Trump will serve until the end of his 1st term?

Personally I believe that Trump will be removed.

Even before Trump was sworn in, I thought the situation would warrant impeachment. For instance, his business holdings should disqualify him under the emolument clause of the constitution. It is flat out wrong to have a president that has that sort of financial conflict of interest. This would/should be a really huge scandal in its own right. There is no doubt that the nation is suffering from scandal fatigue.

Another example, his pressuring of Comey and then firing qualifies for obstruction. Impeachment is a political process conducted by congress. You do not have to violate a criminal statue to be impeached. I think of it as a vote of no confidence but with a higher bar.

For instance, a financial officer/treasurer might not be guilty of a crime for charging private jet trips, staying in 5 star hotels, and signing sleazy contracts. But that is a reason to sack him.

I think of impeachment the same way.

Before taking office, it wasn't clear how R's in congress would deal with Trump.

Now it is. They are all-in on Trump. I don't think they will impeach him. It takes 2/3 of the Senate. Ain't happening. If Nixon had this congress, he would never had had to resign in the face of impeachment.

The Wastelands
Jul 20, 2018 - 12:04pm PT
AFAIR several months ago all progressive liberals on this forum proclaimed en masse that Trump would be impeached in a few month and would leave his office soon.


Gym climber
Jul 20, 2018 - 12:28pm PT
In Colorado social gambling is legal, so you just gotta get Norton in Colorado and enter into a bona fide agreement with him here, and you should be in good shape (put in jurisdiction / venue clause, and an attorneys' fees provision too, in the agreement).

Assuming he's not judgment proof, that may be enough assurance to wager with him without doing an escrow.

Sport climber
Yakima, WA
Jul 20, 2018 - 12:34pm PT
Donald Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani confirmed in a statement to CNN that the president’s longtime “fixer” Michael Cohen had other recordings seized by the FBI in wake of the news that the bureau had a tape of the president and his former attorney discussing a payout to Playboy model in 2016.

“The president said ‘I can’t believe Michael would do this with me,'” the statement, read by host John King, noted. “Michael Cohen has other recordings in his records that were seized by the FBI.”

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 20, 2018 - 12:44pm PT
Donald "Floppy Don" Trump is at it again.

Two years ago, Trump said that Fed Chairwoman Janet Yellen "should be ashamed" because she was assisting President Obama by keeping interest rates low.

Today, Trump is saying that the Fed needs to keep interests rates low, or else they're villains.

Trump adopted his online character in the "Dark State" MMO fantasy role-playing game on Twitter to attack the Fed.

Trump has a real problem with his PMS (politically motivated statements).

There is no such thing as objective reality for Trump when he is PMSing.

Trump conjures a fantasy-world and false narrative (e.g., "the Fed is intentionally helping Obama", or "the Fed is intentionally hurting Trump"). Then, he uses his PMS to justify, and ostensibly legitimize, his fantasy-world.

The key point is that Trump comes up with his fantasy-world first, and then PMSes with absurd lies to legitimize his invented fantasy-world.

A normal, rational, stable person observes facts and evidence within the reality of the 7.2 billion, and uses that to establish a factual narrative. The normal, rational statements of the factual narrative are supported by, and exist within, the reality of the 7.2 billion.

None of that is true for Trump, especially when he is PMSing.

Trump is often especially disagreeable when he is PMSing, with shrieking outbursts.

His foul and unreasonable statements match his foul and unreasonable mood when he doesn't get his way.


Trad climber
Loveland, CO
Jul 20, 2018 - 12:57pm PT
Fake News!

Grey Matter
Jul 20, 2018 - 01:08pm PT
"The Republican Party's difficulty in finding a host for the 2020 convention ..."

There is no problem.
The repuppetlican convention will be held in Moscow.

Boulder climber
Jul 20, 2018 - 01:21pm PT
The pieces on the chess board are coming together in terms of the Russian connection and the end game.


Trad climber
Jul 20, 2018 - 01:26pm PT

Mountain climber
Jul 20, 2018 - 02:12pm PT
Yury: "AFAIR several months ago all progressive liberals on this forum proclaimed en masse that Trump would be impeached in a few month and would leave his office soon."

Norton: "another outright lie, prove it, show the posts"

Norton, I apologize for being wrong.
You were right.
I failed to find such predictions in the last several months.
It seems that about half a year ago ST progressives accepted that Trump will serve at least one full term.

I would like to correct my statement as:
"up to half a year ago progressive liberals on this forum proclaimed en masse that Trump would be impeached in a few month and would leave his office soon."
Happiegrrrl2: "Trump will be gone by April Fools Day."
john Hansen: "6) Trump does not stay in office until the 2020 election"
10b4me: "Pence will be president in January."

Norton, how many examples do you need?
BTW, have you challenged me to do such search because you hoped that I would not have enough time or because your memory did not serve you that well anymore?
john hansen

Jul 20, 2018 - 02:54pm PT
In my defense there are still about 18 months till 2020. And 29 months till the election.

Mountain climber
Jul 20, 2018 - 02:59pm PT
john Hansen:

In my defense there are still about 18 months till 2020.

john Hansen, nobody is challenging you.

I responded to Norton's challenge "another outright lie, prove it, show the posts", did a bit of searching and shared my findings.

I am also concerned that you may be right after Trump latest comments enraged the whole Party of War (from John McCain to CNN and NYT).

Jul 20, 2018 - 03:04pm PT
At Echo Project I watched a wookette giving birth during the GZA set. I was just peaking on some 2ci. People were trying to get medical help, but they hadn't arrived. Some other wookette claimed to be a midwife and was coaching the woman through this. Her wook man is standing there shirtless and spun like top, just making these weird sounds while he is crushing his beer can and spraying coors light all over everyone. He looked really anxious about the whole thing, grabbing his face and just making grunts and stuff.
The baby's head starts to crown and the medics still haven't arrived.

This is where it gets crazy...
It was so f*#king dusty out there and the baby and all the surrounding fluids were immediately "muddified" by the blowing dirt. I mean, its f*#king gross. All of a sudden, this f*#king kid (probably 19 or 20) in his oversized neon, flat-brim LRG hat, runs up yelling "welcome to the party bitch!" before he blows a huge plume of smoke right in the baby's face! While the umbilical cord is still attached and shit!

The smell was unmistakeable, this baby had just been deemster'd.

He must have pulled the hit from a bong, b/c it was monstrous. The surrounding crowd dropped their jaws, and someone tackled the kid as he starts to run away. He didn't make it more than 10ft and the he was probably blasting off about now.

The mom is clutching the dirty baby and trying to calm it. Though, strangely, the baby was not crying (tripping balls i guess?).
And while the dude is getting screamed at, the dad suddenly pounces into action. He jumps on the dude, and starts smashing said bisco kid's face with the crushed up beer can, of which he seemingly just can't let go. The bisco kid is kicking and trying to roll out of it and the wook-dad grabs the kid's hair w/ one hand. he finally let the can go and shoves his other hand half way inside the guys mouth. He is pulling his mouth open and RIPS HIS CHEEK OPEN! repeat: rips his f*#king CHEEK OPEN!

there is blood everywhere and the dude lets out this braveheart-like scream as he gets pulled off by the folks around him. Blood all over bisco kid's face, shirt and formerly fresh flat breezy. The cops/medics arrived about that time and took over the situation."

Trad climber
Jul 20, 2018 - 03:11pm PT
I admit that I believed Trump would be gone by 4/1, and that I was wrong. Gawd, I just hope I'm not wrong in believing he will be gone before too much longer, and that there's no way in hell he'll be re-elected.


Boulder climber
Jul 20, 2018 - 04:12pm PT
Nato, the European Union, the Paris Agreement are key to what lies beneath.

Obama's world view and the direction he was taking us was a bridge too far.

Mountain climber
Terence Wilson greeneck alleghenys,ny,
Jul 20, 2018 - 04:24pm PT
A bridge too far for Kentucky ffs.

Sport climber
Yakima, WA
Jul 20, 2018 - 04:29pm PT
Here's how we vote in Washington; Oregon is similar. No electronic voting machines, no lines at the polls, plenty of time to research the candidates and issues, a paper copy for recounts, and you can check online to see if your vote was counted. The only possible glitch is the counting machines themselves, and that can be policed; with the actual paper ballot saved for recounts fraud isn't an issue.

I believe it's time for national voting standards, including voter registration and required documentation of citizenship, and mail in ballots. There is too much hanky panky going on with voting machines and voter registration requirements; Alabama is a prime example with their closure of drivers' license offices in predominantly black areas, placing a huge burden on citizens who wish to register to exercise their right to vote, as well as making voting difficult with few machines and long lines. Maybe the Australian method, where you HAVE to vote or pay a small fine would be a good idea. It's amazing to me that with all the elections we have had we still see, every election, people waiting in line for hours to vote. How hard is it to get it right? The answer is that it is probably deliberate.
Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Jul 20, 2018 - 04:39pm PT
2ci?! so thats what it was,damn, swear at the family,they took good care of me 7/16/18 thanx for the beta,,,, never again ,,,,, till next time
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