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Trad climber
Apr 21, 2015 - 04:54pm PT
Ice climber
Brujò de la Playa
Apr 21, 2015 - 05:11pm PT
"Just because a couple people on the Supreme Court declare something to be 'constitutional' does not make it so."
-Rand Paul
Last count it was actually five. As to the 'people' part I doubt there is a quorum.
After Hillary is elected and one or two of the benchsitters pass out of existence, will she nominate Rand?
Apparently benchsitters is not a word. It gets the redline treatment, as does redline. May be in a loop here. Don't mess with Google
Trad climber
Monrovia, California
Apr 21, 2015 - 05:41pm PT
Last count it was actually five
It only takes a couple, sometimes one, to make the decision. That is what he was saying.
Ice climber
Brujò de la Playa
Apr 21, 2015 - 06:58pm PT
^That's not what he said, are you his spokesman? If he needs you then he shouldn't be running for president.
And it most always takes nine not one or two, except for the rare occasions where one disqualifies himself/herself or is sick etc.
Social climber
So Cal
Apr 21, 2015 - 06:59pm PT
She really cares about the little people!
Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Apr 21, 2015 - 07:42pm PT
Hillary must be realllllyyy making you shiver in yer boots, TGT.
Ice climber
Brujò de la Playa
Apr 21, 2015 - 07:46pm PT
^Certainly immoral behaviour is relevant, no matter how long in the past it occurred.
However, there is not one bit of evidence offered here.
... over one half of the current Supreme Court have shoplifted pornographic magazines and sodomized young children with the barrels of the pistols they carry.
Sorry I don't have time to look up a funny cartoon.
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 22, 2015 - 03:05pm PT
OK, just a heads up. TOMORROW THE READY FOR HILLARY STORE CLOSES FOREVER!!!!!!1111 That's right. ForeEvar! I figured that Russ would want to know so that he can buy some of this sure to be collector swag. They have the "Ready For Hillary" fleece hats for $8.00! Woot! Jim, they not only don't have your size dog collar I'm sorry to say, but they sold out of them. Dog leashes as well although for now they have cat collars still in stock. Perhaps they may be open in local SF S&M stores in the future, but for now: gone!
Ah you say, but she doesn't need my $8.00 when some Saudi Sheik may give her $6.7 million or so for a Secretary of State favor like they have been trading for in the past, well, she's not the Sec of State any more in case you missed that, so your $8.00 WILL MATTER.
Apr 22, 2015 - 06:10pm PT
Well, with those new toys, we won't be seeing Locker for quite awhile.
Social climber
So Cal
Apr 22, 2015 - 06:33pm PT
Social climber
So Cal
Apr 22, 2015 - 08:02pm PT
Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Apr 22, 2015 - 08:03pm PT
Admit it, TGT....you guys got nuthin'.
Ice climber
hartford, ct
Apr 23, 2015 - 07:38am PT
Any criminal puppet will do.... "What difference does it make"?
Big Wall climber
Denver, CO
Apr 23, 2015 - 09:34am PT
So, Hillary is the victim of relentless, right wing attacks?
Well, let's say that you were in her shoes. You've endured MANY years of scandal, and you know that you can't open your mouth without some right wing pundit attacking you.
You become SecState and survey the lay of the land regarding communications. You are not ignorant and incompetent, because you are fully aware of the raised eyebrows and even suspicion engendered by others (including in the GOP) who have gone outside of official email systems; and you even send out an official memo to your tens of thousands of staff telling them to "keep it official" and USE the supplied State email system.
You know that you are dogged by the right wing, and HERE is an area where you can EASILY rise above suspicion and give those jerks one less thing to be suspicious about. HERE is an area in which you can EASILY avoid even the "appearance of evil" in the sight of the American people.
What do you do? Do you do the EASY and obviously most convenient thing, the thing you told your tens of thousands of staff to do, the thing that would be the OBVIOUSLY transparent thing to do?
Uhh... no.
In the face of this (mini-violin playing in the background) relentless, right wing harassment, you systematically erect every possible barrier to transparency and accountability in your role as SecState. Then, when called on it (by EVERYBODY, not just the "right wing pundits"), you start inventing obviously fabricated, outright ridiculous excuses for this behavior.
Why didn't you just use the State email system, as you told your tens of thousands of staff to do?
"It was far more convenient for me to have my own email server, so that I didn't have to carry around multiple devices to stay on top of my communications."
Strange! And you carried around multiple devices anyway. But, okay. Can we have ALL State-related emails?
"I have turned them all over to State."
Well, actually, we're not confident about that, because more and more emails are surfacing that were sent from your server that were State-related and that you did not turn over.
"My staff and I carefully scrutinized all emails to determine which were State-related and which were personal, and I turned over all State-related ones."
Well, actually, neither you nor any other human being actually reviewed your emails. You ran an incredibly superficial algorithm to make the determination. And, as we now know for certain, that algorithm didn't get the job done. So, we ask again for all State-related emails.
"I can't provide anything more than I already have, because I have deleted all emails from the server at this point."
Whaaaat??? WHY would you do that??? Okay, we can still work with that. Can we instead go through the server to try to recover emails that might still be on it?
"No. I wiped the entire server."
What, what, WHAT? WHY in the world would you do THAT??? Okay, even now, we can still work with that. Please hand over the server, so that we can do forensic analysis of the drive(s) and perhaps recover many/all of the wiped emails and do our own analysis of what was and was not State-related, since, CLEARLY, your analysis was inadequate and more and more it appears that you are stonewalling/hiding State-related communications.
"No. That would be inappropriate."
Poor, abused Hillary: the victim (yet again) of relentless, right-wing attacks. WHY won't the right wing just leave her alone? (Mini-violin playing even more hauntingly and poignantly in the background.)
No, sorry, that doesn't work. The American people have a RIGHT to know what she did as SecState. We have a right to those communications... ALL of them, since she very intentionally chose to mix State and personal communications. We have a right to the TRUTH from her about why she handled her communications as she did.
Look, there are really only two choices here:
1) She is astoundingly stupid/incompetent about something this important, which severely damages her credibility to be President.
2) She systematically arranged things to hide and lie and obfuscate, so as to very intentionally (intended before she ever wrote her first email as SecState) REFUSE the American people the right to State information guaranteed to us by law and by common decency. This would more than merely damage her credibility to be President.
(1) is not the case. She KNEW the story. She KNEW the suspicion and even outrage her actions would engender. She KNEW enough to warn her own staff to not play the game she was even at that moment designing to play. She KNEW enough to get the server set up and (supposedly) secured. She knew. This was neither stupidity nor incompetence.
She HAS no "clean" way out of this mess and no way for it to play out looking right or reasonable for her. And, in fact, this is a mess entirely of her own creation. And every time she opens her mouth about it, she looks worse. So, now she knows to keep her mouth shut and hope that the electorate memory is short (which it usually is) and that enough people are not technically savvy enough to recognize the facts and obvious motivations of what she did.
So, now she goes on her first campaign "tour" and refuses, utterly refuses, to have ANY conversation with the media. Her kick-off ad campaign doesn't even show her face! She's "running" to be the President of the United States, and her KICK-OFF "efforts" don't even SHOW her!
When, since we've been in the era of modern, national media, WHEN has a presidential candidate intentionally HID from the media during the kick-off weeks?
And it's all so unnecessary. The EASY thing for her to do was just use the State email system AS she told her staff to do. EASY! CONVENIENT! ABOVE suspicion!
And it's not like WE don't have alternatives.
Elizabeth Warren says she won't run. She says this because the party bossed have told her: "Don't muddy the waters. Hillary has paid her dues, and it's her turn. If you run, you just cause trouble for Hillary. So leave it alone."
Either that, or she has too much integrity to jump into the cesspool that HILLARY has created with her candidacy.
I've said I could vote for a Demoncrat. I haven't seen Warren as "candidate" yet, so I can't say. But I could definitely vote for somebody like a Warren, especially depending upon who survives the GOP primary process (God save us from a Ben Carson!).
WHY hasn't the "right wing" gone after Warren for years and years as they have with Hillary? It's not like she hasn't DONE anything (TARP come to mind?). But HER political life is NOT one long litany of scandal, as is Hillary's.
Is Hillary REALLY the best the Demoncrats can do???
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 23, 2015 - 09:43am PT
Another Email hot off the press: STORE CLOSES TONIGHT!!!
Now I know some of you are wanting to talk politics cause of this. But this is about the Hillary store - she's a very capable woman too. Certainly as smart as Bill and he was damned smart guy.
And to you Hillary haters I'll admit that sure she took in billions of dollars to enrich herself and her favorite projects (via the Clinton Foundation) and in response to those large donations from all kinds of foreign donors she then gave out personal favors and diplomatic commitments that the United States and the taxpayers were on the hook for while she was Secretary of State. At least that's the current story.
Then to cover up that activity in violation of the law she used her own personal E-mail address on her own personal server during the whole time that this activity was going on, THEN DELETED AND THEN ERASED EVERY BIT OF DATA ON THE HARD DRIVE (including all of the emails she wanted hidden) so no one can pull up any dirt on her.
Y'all all are clearly just a bunch of woman haters. Well, that's what the Clinton machine will be laying down soon. LOL
Trad climber
Apr 23, 2015 - 09:52am PT
Madbollter...you're parroting rightwing talking points. The election is 18 months away and you're upset she didn't talk to the press on her first visit to Iowa??? What? Why? Do you care what type of burrito she ordered, too? She'll face the press a thousand times, relax.
Name me the things she has been found guilty of.....waiting.... Just a bunch of innuendo and fake scandals.
Is Elizabeth Warren a skilled enough politician to get anything done? Can you think of another candidate to the left of Hillary who promised a lot but had trouble delivering? And the rightwing did go after her when she ran - her native american claim. Hillary has been around a long time. She has scars and faults, yes, but she's tough and will make a good president. Just watch.
TW, you're the one who is brainwashed. And we all know you don't vote, anyway.
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