Trip Report
Unnamed 10,372'
Saturday October 31, 2009 10:55pm
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Credit: the museum
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On a recent road trip to Wyoming (7-09) we climbed the west ridge of Unnamed 10,372', the second peak south of Powder River Pass in the Big Horn Mountains of Wyoming.

From US HWY 16 1 mile east of the Pass drive south on the Powder River Road. Measure on your odometer from here. After a few hundred yards, go right, and at 1.0 miles turn left into a primitive campsite. If there is an RVer/ATVer at the spot ask to tresspass and if they deny access, form an assault and and take control of the site. Either way, hike SE across the drainage and cross the tiny North Fork of the Powder River. Above or below this area may be reveal BOG whacking. Once across the creek go south along a game trail then after a couple hundred yards go left into a meadow. Hike SE across a small divide and aim for a fence. Cross the fence and go SE across another meadow into the trees. Find an old logging road and go right 100 yards to a clearing. Go left into the clearing and to virgin forest again and eventually to rocks and the lower portion of the ridge. Scramble the ridge as you like all the way to summit. Use your best whacking abilities and return the same way.

4 miles round trip with some bog/tree/rock whacking. 4 hours max, 1800' gain.
This is super fun trip if you are on your way to or fro from Yellowstone/Teton.

An immature bald eagle soared 1000' feet above the whole time and watched our progress. Also, there is a large elk herd in this area moving to and fro through the trees... There is typical western american open forest whacking along the way and there are no boots tracks trails.

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Credit: the museum
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  Trip Report Views: 1,584
the museum
About the Author
the museum is a trad climber from Rapid City.


Trad climber
  Nov 1, 2009 - 03:33am PT
looks like fun! that rock you're sitting on (the summit?) looks sweet...
the museum

Trad climber
Author's Reply  Nov 3, 2009 - 09:10pm PT
Yes that's the very top...