Trip Report
Castle Crags: Cosmic Wall, Six Toe Crack
Tuesday June 22, 2010 12:21pm
I'd been wanting to climb up at Castle Crags all spring, and Justin was game for the Cosmic Wall (5.6R), six pitches of fun on a granite spire named Mt. Hubris. So we set off early Sunday morning and pounded up the Crags trail, about 3 miles and 2200' elevation gain to the base of Castle Dome. There we hung a left and stayed near the ridgeline, following a use trail through the manzanita to the base. I'd followed this route in July 2005 and was looking forward to doing it again.

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Castle Dome, from approach trail
Castle Dome, from approach trail
Credit: rhyang
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Mt. Hubris
Mt. Hubris
Credit: rhyang
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Justin took the first pitch, almost a full rope length of slabby 5.4 with little pro and belayed at a tree. It was breezy and cool, and we had on our windbreakers.

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Cosmic Wall (5.6R) -- looking up first pitch
Cosmic Wall (5.6R) -- looking up first pitch
Credit: rhyang
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The next pitch was juggy 5.6 and I was able to sling some knobs, clip a piton and even placed a cam. The traverse to the bolted anchor was kind of fun and exposed. Short pitch.

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Cosmic Wall (5.6R) -- me leading second pitch
Cosmic Wall (5.6R) -- me leading second pitch
Credit: Justin Marion
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Cosmic Wall (5.6R) -- looking down second pitch
Cosmic Wall (5.6R) -- looking down second pitch
Credit: rhyang
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Justin took pitch three, which started with some thin moves off the belay ledge up some flaring funky cracks.

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Cosmic Wall (5.6R) -- looking up third pitch
Cosmic Wall (5.6R) -- looking up third pitch
Credit: rhyang
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Cosmic Wall (5.6R) -- me following third pitch
Cosmic Wall (5.6R) -- me following third pitch
Credit: Justin Marion
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Great views of Castle Dome from the belay ledge -

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Castle Dome from Mt. Hubris
Castle Dome from Mt. Hubris
Credit: rhyang
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I dragged the rope up another short easy fifth class pitch. Justin got the fifth pitch, arguably the best of all -- cool flakes and fun moves -

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Cosmic Wall (5.6R) -- Justin leading fifth pitch
Cosmic Wall (5.6R) -- Justin leading fifth pitch
Credit: rhyang
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Finally I took the summit ridge up, perhaps fourth or easy fifth but with great exposure.

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Cosmic Wall (5.6R) -- summit ridge, last pitch
Cosmic Wall (5.6R) -- summit ridge, last pitch
Credit: Justin Marion
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Woohoo ! We signed the summit register, took in the views and proceeded to rap off. Another party was still up there and we used both ropes for a single rappel. Thanks guys.

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Atop Mt. Hubris
Atop Mt. Hubris
Credit: rhyang
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Crags, from the top of Mt. Hubris
Crags, from the top of Mt. Hubris
Credit: rhyang
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Mt. Shasta, from Mt. Hubris
Mt. Shasta, from Mt. Hubris
Credit: rhyang
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On the way back down we decided to take a side trip and scramble up Castle Dome. Second and third class ledges lead up to a fourth class "staircase" which is kind of fun.

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Fourth class "staircase" up Castle Dome
Fourth class "staircase" up Castle Dome
Credit: rhyang
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There is also a third class gully for descending (which we used :) Great views from there.

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Mt. Hubris (upper left) and other crags, from Castle Dome
Mt. Hubris (upper left) and other crags, from Castle Dome
Credit: rhyang
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Trinity Alps from Castle Dome
Trinity Alps from Castle Dome
Credit: rhyang
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Fun day. We headed back down the trail snapping pics, and made sure to locate Six Toe Crack for the next morning :)

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Six Toe Rock, from the Crags trail.
Six Toe Rock, from the Crags trail.
Credit: rhyang
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Monday we got an early start, expecting it to be a warmer day. I wanted to lead Six Toe Crack, but was worried about the offwidth on the second pitch, so I brought a couple extra #0.75 - 1 cams instead of #4's intending to traverse around it.

The opening face moves weren't bad IMO, though the flowers blooming attracted a bee at what could have been a very inopportune time :) The crack had some interesting moves, though little in the way of straight-in jamming.

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Six Toe Crack (5.8) -- looking up from base
Six Toe Crack (5.8) -- looking up from base
Credit: rhyang
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The second pitch was pretty interesting too. About 20' below the belay I traversed right out onto the face, and then left back to the crack. Kind of heady. Actually the offwidth didn't look as intimidating close-up .. next time I should bring a #4 or two and give it a try.

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Six Toe Crack (5.8) -- looking down second pitch.  I traversed...
Six Toe Crack (5.8) -- looking down second pitch. I traversed right to avoid the offwidth. Next time maybe I'll give the OW a shot ..
Credit: rhyang
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Justin took the final 5.6 pitch to the top, up a dihedral on the right side. It had some fun moves and a nice top out.

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Six Toe Crack (5.8) -- Justin atop third & final 5.6 pitch
Six Toe Crack (5.8) -- Justin atop third & final 5.6 pitch
Credit: Justin Marion
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Justin atop Six Toe Rock
Justin atop Six Toe Rock
Credit: rhyang
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Mt. Shasta and Castle Dome from atop Six Toe Rock
Mt. Shasta and Castle Dome from atop Six Toe Rock
Credit: rhyang
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We rappelled three times to the base and had lunch. It was definitely warming up, but not enough to deter the hikers coming up the trail to soak in the views and enjoy the forest.

  Trip Report Views: 9,855
About the Author


Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
  Jun 22, 2010 - 12:39pm PT
Lookin' good!

Looks like a fun place.

Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
  Jun 22, 2010 - 12:47pm PT

Beautiful features on some of that stuff.

I always wanted to climb there. Thanks for taking me.

Trad climber
San Jose, CA
  Jun 22, 2010 - 12:55pm PT
You sure have been getting after it lately! Thanks for the pics. How far from san Jose was this place?

Author's Reply  Jun 22, 2010 - 02:27pm PT
Thanks guys. It's about 5 hours north of SJ -- google maps should give directions if you type in 'Castle Crags State Park, Castella, CA'. Wunderground has a decent forecast for Castella.

Even in the summer you can have breezy thermals. Beware of afternoon thunderstorms.
Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer

Trad climber
  Jun 22, 2010 - 03:41pm PT
Really cool - thanks. I have always driven by there on the way to Shasta, and never stopped to explore. Seems I definitely need to stop!

Mountain climber
  Jun 22, 2010 - 04:21pm PT
Nice report, thanks for posting! Brings back good memories for sure. Was there much snow in the gully on the descent? I once tried the north face of castle dome. It was some of the worst dirty crumbling rock I've ever been on. Ended up bailing a few pitches up after a basketball size block peeled off. I suspect we were off route haha. Too bad as it's a classic looking face.

Author's Reply  Jun 22, 2010 - 11:36pm PT
Not much snow to be seen in the immediate vicinity at all really. The descent was a little moist in places, though nothing to worry about. The other party we rappelled with had forgotten to bring up their approach shoes, so they walked all the way around to their packs in their climbing shoes .. ouch ..

Trad climber
Central Coast
  Jun 23, 2010 - 12:12am PT
right on!