Trip Report
A Winter Adventure in British Columbias Interior
Thursday March 22, 2012 11:15am
This little ditty is in no way shape or form climbing related, so if that is what you're looking for BAIL NOW! What we have here is a smooth whiskey with a firey kick of cinnamon tastes like heaven, burns like hell. What happens next is up too you.. Err, I mean a machine powered noboard, fishing and drinking fiesta!
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Credit: thekidcormier
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Year after year I work like a dog all summer to save up my canadian toonies(ten per hour) so I can venture into the interior to ride champaign powder on my NOBOARD, that is a snowboards without bindings.

My summer savings usually last a couple weeks then I'm broke again, Its crazy how in debt one will go for the freedom of noboard turns(16000 to be exact)

Now that I just figured out a split noboard design that will work I can hopefully sell my snowmachine (for less than I owe the bank) and acquire my soul turns using man power.

Any ways here is the montage I put together during my trip.. Enjoy

[Click to View YouTube Video]

  Trip Report Views: 2,337
About the Author
thekidcormier is a trad climber from squamish, b.c, he is especially fond of his trusty tricams. When not free climbing or working he can be found aid climbing or playing in the mountains somewhere. He spends his evenings preparing gourmet dishes, flowing through his vinyasa and updating his blog


Gym climber
squamish, b.c.
Author's Reply  Mar 22, 2012 - 11:39am PT
Bruce; I have a home-made splitboard i use but it limits me to using bindings as they are a crucial in holding the standard set up together.

But recent engineering in the interior has led to some sturdy "Split No"
Rick A

Boulder, Colorado
  Mar 22, 2012 - 04:06pm PT

I look forward to a video of you walking the nose on that thing.

Is it much harder to get going if (when) you biff?
Ezra Ellis

Trad climber
North wet, and Da souf
  Mar 22, 2012 - 06:40pm PT
Nice kid, some fat looking pow!!
Mighty Hiker

Outside the Asylum
  Mar 22, 2012 - 06:41pm PT
Why does the guy in the first photo seem to be threading line through a fishing rod? Did you also go ice fishing?
Kurt Ettinger

Trad climber
Martinez, CA
  Mar 22, 2012 - 07:14pm PT
Good fun!

A split noboard (no bindings) How do you skin up with no bindings?

Gym climber
squamish, b.c.
Author's Reply  Mar 22, 2012 - 07:24pm PT
You pack your bindings on your back on the way...

Anders; we tried to go fishing but all we caught was a buzz
Kurt Ettinger

Trad climber
Martinez, CA
  Mar 23, 2012 - 11:39am PT
So you are carrying the board up? using snow shoes? Forgive me, I can't seem to grasp how you are getting to the top with a split board with no bindings.

Mountain climber
  Mar 23, 2012 - 11:59am PT
Hey kid, in your blog photo towing a sled, are you using the prototype split noboard? that surface looks a little rough for the bases, btw ;)

Gym climber
squamish, b.c.
Author's Reply  Mar 23, 2012 - 12:30pm PT
Okay, So the "split no" idea has been around for a few years but has yet to be completely mastered.

All prototypes so far involve skins and bindings of some sort for the way up and carrying you binding system on or in your pack for the way down.

The first idea involved a hard plastic panels with hard plastic knobs for traction carried on your back on the way up. These panels arong with the L brackets and the tip and tail clips hold the board together for descent. Some Revy kids made them and sold some I believe. The Hard plastic is not very appealing, to me atleast.

The second idea I've seen involves high density rubber for traction and a long pin that slides through both of touring brackets, this along with the standard L brackets and the tip and tail clips hold it together.

No That is just a regular split board featured on my blog, the snow on either side sloped in towards the rocks and my trailer was lured in, so rather then skinning on the snow with my trailer pulling me sideways i decided to take the path of least resistance.

Gym climber
squamish, b.c.
Author's Reply  Mar 24, 2012 - 11:04am PT
Rick A; It can be hard to get going in the deepness if its not steep enough, that said it is alsol hard to stay going in the steepness if its not deep enough ;)
Kurt Ettinger

Trad climber
Martinez, CA
  Mar 23, 2012 - 12:36pm PT
Cool. What length boards are the splits noboarders riding?

Gym climber
squamish, b.c.
Author's Reply  Mar 23, 2012 - 12:39pm PT
Johans board looks like 160ish, but with the swallow tail and fish like nose it probably FLOATS! Directional boards are the way to go for noboarding because if you want to go switch you can just turn around.

My noboard is a 159.5

Social climber
  Dec 18, 2016 - 02:20am PT
hey there, say... bump...