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The Authors of SuperTopo
by Chris McNamara
4,500 Jun 12, 2012 14
El Capitan, Yosemite Valley, California Climbing Info - Click for details
 El Capitan, Yosemite Valley, California Climbing Info
El Capitan is one the most famous big walls in the World and considered by most climbers to be the best. It is the historical center of big wall climbing and continues t...

by Chris McNamara
5,092 Apr 07, 2011 1
SuperTopo Newsletter - November 1, 2010
by Chris McNamara
5,583 Nov 01, 2010 1
Cookies Policy
by SuperTopo LLC
5,932 May 24, 2018 1
Yosemite Big Wall First Ascent Topos - Click for details
 Yosemite Big Wall First Ascent Topos
Please post your own links to Yosemite Big Wall first ascent topos in the comments section Some related links: Here is the original forum thread Download of Yos...

by Chris McNamara
8,530 May 15, 2012 9
SuperTopo Guide To Online Auctions For Causes and Non-Profits - Click for details
 SuperTopo Guide To Online Auctions For Causes and Non-Profits
I have been doing eBay auctions for non-profits for 6 years now: April 2008 - December 2009 - April 2011 - April 2011 To date we have raised $100,000+, thanks in large p...

by Chris McNamara
8,687 Sep 20, 2012 13
Clean Climbing and Fixed Gear - Tips for Keeping El Capitan Garbage Free - Click for details
 Clean Climbing and Fixed Gear - Tips for Keeping El Capitan Garbage Free
This is an article that I wrote over a decade ago. A distilled and updated version of below will be apart of How To Big Wall Climb 2nd Edition Maintaining the Bi...

by Chris McNamara
9,088 Jan 05, 2014 2
5 Ways to Support SuperTopo - Click for details
 5 Ways to Support SuperTopo
[youtube=iZk7RzxaqjA] Thanks for your help in keeping the virtual campfire here at SuperTopo aflame. Here are 5 ways you can help us fund the site: 1) Share you...

by Chris McNamara
9,099 Dec 12, 2014 24
Best of the Best - Winter Outdoor Retailer 2012 - Click for details
 Best of the Best - Winter Outdoor Retailer 2012
We looked through 12 of "The Best of Outdoor Retailer 2012" reports to find out what was the hottest gear of the biggest winter Outdoor Gear event in the United States: the Ou...

by Chris McNamara
9,211 Mar 05, 2012 1
About SuperTopo Gear Reviews
by Chris McNamara
9,828 Jul 07, 2010 2
Introduction to Big Wall Climbing and Aid Climbing - Click for details
 Introduction to Big Wall Climbing and Aid Climbing
What is big wall climbing? A big wall typically takes more than two days to climb, is at least 800 feet tall and presents a steep face. Big walls require traditional climbin...

by Chris McNamara
11,281 Jun 06, 2009 1
Bold School, Old School - Click for details
 Bold School, Old School Not so long ago, Yosemite climbers relied on belay systems that might hold a fall, carpentry nails for protection and s...

by Randy Spurrier
11,450 Dec 08, 2016 7
How to Big Wall Climb: Introduction - Click for details
 How to Big Wall Climb: Introduction
[youtube=QyxiQgUyQvQ] This is part of the How to Big Wall Climb SuperTopo book. The videos like the ones above illustrate key points of the book and are meant to be watch...

by Chris McNamara
11,845 Oct 21, 2009 22
How to Big Wall Climb - Wall Strategy: Crowds, Passing, Teams of Three and More - Click for details
 How to Big Wall Climb - Wall Strategy: Crowds, Passing, Teams of Three and More
[youtube=e7hUDlFv-EE] This is part of the How to Big Wall Climb SuperTopo book. Videos like the ones above illustrate key points of the book and are meant to be watched w...

by Chris McNamara
13,663 Jul 07, 2010 3
How to Big Wall Climbing - Following 3: Cleaning Gear - Click for details
 How to Big Wall Climbing - Following 3: Cleaning Gear
[youtube=R-GUS0D5wwM] This is part of the How to Big Wall Climb SuperTopo book. Videos like the ones above illustrate key points of the book and are meant to be watched w...

by Chris McNamara
15,520 Apr 29, 2012 6
The Photographers of SuperTopo - Click for details
 The Photographers of SuperTopo
Karl Baba - ST gallery Chris Brown Ed Cooper - (Gallery coming soon) Glen Denny John Dickey - ST gallery Dave Diegelman John Dittli Jerry Dodrill -...

by Chris McNamara
16,171 Feb 21, 2017 72
How to Big Wall Climb - Leading 4: Traversing Terrain - Click for details
 How to Big Wall Climb - Leading 4: Traversing Terrain
This is part of my How To Big Wall Climb project. Click here to see what is currently on my El Capitan rack Leading Traversing Terrain Overview Leading tr...

by Chris McNamara
16,409 Feb 27, 2011 5
How to Big Wall Climb - Following 2: Vertical and Overhanging Terrain  - Click for details
 How to Big Wall Climb - Following 2: Vertical and Overhanging Terrain
[youtube=bwv9QsE8EC0] [youtube=DHup6TFx_Q0] This is part of the How to Big Wall Climb SuperTopo book. Videos like the ones above illustrate key points of the book an...

by Chris McNamara
18,404 Jul 09, 2012 10
10 Tips To Make Big Wall Climbing More Fun - Click for details
 10 Tips To Make Big Wall Climbing More Fun
This year marks the 20th year that I've been climbing big walls. In my more advanced age, there are 10 tips to making the climbing experience more comfortable and fun. All thi...

by Chris McNamara
21,265 Jul 08, 2015 14
How To Big Wall Climb - Following 4: Traversing Terrain - Click for details
 How To Big Wall Climb - Following 4: Traversing Terrain
[youtube=rPsiSu2lwpY] [youtube=s-kcHabPFls] This is part of the How to Big Wall Climb SuperTopo book. Videos like the ones above illustrate key points of the book an...

by Chris McNamara
21,412 Apr 11, 2011 5
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