Trip Report Search

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1 - 2 of total 2 Trip Reports found. [ Thumbnails | Text  ]
Title Views Last Post Msgs
Kicking Off CrushFest 2015: "Brothers Reunited" - Click for details
 Kicking Off CrushFest 2015: "Brothers Reunited"
On August 23, 2013, at the age of 31, I had two stents put in my heart. My right coronary artery was 70% blocked and my circumflex artery was 90% blocked. Yet, I was running 3...

3,224 Mar 08, 2015 29
Goals, Heroes, and Digging Deep on the Royal Arches - Click for details
 Goals, Heroes, and Digging Deep on the Royal Arches
Two weeks ago I picked up Cory (ClimbingKidCory) enroute to the Valley for a weekend of climbing. Little did he know what I had in store for him. He had just finished ...

5,991 Jun 04, 2014 37
1 - 2 of total 2 Trip Reports found matching: photoid=307189