Climbing Route Search

You can search the SuperTopo database of climbing routes by route name (e.g. search for "the nose"), rating (e.g. try a search for "5.9"), destination name ("red rocks"), or formation ("el capitan"). For example, to find all the 5.8 routes, just search for "5.8". To find all the 5.8 routes in Yosemite, search for "5.8 yosemite".
46 - 60 of total 151 routes found. 
[ Thumbnails | Text  ]
Route Name Formation Climbing Area Review
Angels Landing - South Face II 5.10 - Zion National Park, Utah, USA. Click for details.
South Face
II 5.10, Angels Landing

Photo:Eric Draper
Angels Landing Zion National Park, Utah, USA
II 5.10
3 Star Rating
Minotaur Tower - Megamahedral III/IV 5.11- - Zion National Park, Utah, USA. Click for details.
III/IV 5.11-, Minotaur Tower

Photo:Bryan Bird
Minotaur Tower Zion National Park, Utah, USA
III/IV 5.11-
3 Star Rating
Cutthroat Peak - North Ridge III 5.7 - Washington Pass, Washington, USA. Click for details.
North Ridge
III 5.7, Cutthroat Peak

Cutthroat Peak North Ridge
Photo:Ian Nicholson
Cutthroat Peak Washington Pass, Washington, USA
III 5.7
3 Star Rating
Poster Peak - Blue’s Buttress III+ 5.7 - Washington Pass, Washington, USA. Click for details.
Blue’s Buttress
III+ 5.7, Poster Peak

Poster Peak and the Liberty Bell group from Kangaroo Pass.
Photo:Rob Schiesser
Poster Peak Washington Pass, Washington, USA
III+ 5.7
3 Star Rating
Liberty Bell - The Girl Next Door II 5.9- - Washington Pass, Washington, USA. Click for details.
The Girl Next Door
II 5.9-, Liberty Bell

Liberty Bell The Girl Next Door
Photo:Ian Nicholson
Liberty Bell Washington Pass, Washington, USA
II 5.9-
3 Star Rating
Black Peak - South Ridge II 4th Class - Washington Pass, Washington, USA. Click for details.
South Ridge
II 4th Class, Black Peak

An overview of the routes.
Photo:Ian Nicholson
Black Peak Washington Pass, Washington, USA
II 4th Class
3 Star Rating
Black Peak - Northeast Ridge II 5.3 - Washington Pass, Washington, USA. Click for details.
Northeast Ridge
II 5.3, Black Peak

An overview of the routes.
Photo:Ian Nicholson
Black Peak Washington Pass, Washington, USA
II 5.3
3 Star Rating
Lexington Tower - North Face II 5.7 - Washington Pass, Washington, USA. Click for details.
North Face
II 5.7, Lexington Tower

Lexington Tower North Face
Photo:Ian Nicholson
Lexington Tower Washington Pass, Washington, USA
II 5.7
3 Star Rating
Concord Tower - Tunnel Route II 5.8 - Washington Pass, Washington, USA. Click for details.
Tunnel Route
II 5.8, Concord Tower

Concord Tower Tunnel Route
Photo:Ian Nicholson
Concord Tower Washington Pass, Washington, USA
II 5.8
3 Star Rating
North Early Winters Spire - Chockstone Route II+ 5.7 - Washington Pass, Washington, USA. Click for details.
Chockstone Route
II+ 5.7, North Early Winters Spire

North Early Winter Spire - Blue Bradley follows Pitch 6 of the Chockstone Route
Photo:Larry Goldie
North Early Winters Spire Washington Pass, Washington, USA
II+ 5.7
3 Star Rating
Northwest Face
II+ 5.9, Liberty Bell

Liberty Bell Washington Pass, Washington, USA
II+ 5.9
3 Star Rating
North Early Winters Spire - Labor Pains III 5.11a - Washington Pass, Washington, USA. Click for details.
Labor Pains
III 5.11a, North Early Winters Spire

North Early Winter Spire
Photo:Ian Nicholson
North Early Winters Spire Washington Pass, Washington, USA
III 5.11a
3 Star Rating
Big Kangaroo - Beckey-Tate III 5.9 - Washington Pass, Washington, USA. Click for details.
III 5.9, Big Kangaroo

Big Kangaroo
Photo:Ian Nicholson
Big Kangaroo Washington Pass, Washington, USA
III 5.9
3 Star Rating
Burgundy Spire - Action Potential III 5.10c - Washington Pass, Washington, USA. Click for details.
Action Potential
III 5.10c, Burgundy Spire

Burgundy Spire Action Potential
Photo:Ian Nicholson
Burgundy Spire Washington Pass, Washington, USA
III 5.10c
3 Star Rating
Liberty Bell - Over Exposure II 5.8 - Washington Pass, Washington, USA. Click for details.
Over Exposure
II 5.8, Liberty Bell

Liberty Bell Over Exposure
Photo:Kurt Hicks
Liberty Bell Washington Pass, Washington, USA
II 5.8
3 Star Rating
46 - 60 of total 151 climbing routes found matching: II+ << Previous Page    Next 15 Routes >>