Bouldering Search

You can search the SuperTopo database of bouldering areas and problems by area name (e.g. search for "yosemite"), rating (e.g. try a search for "v6"), or boulder name ("mickey's beach"). For example, to find all the v6 bouldering areas in Yosemite, search for "v6 yosemite".
31 - 32 of total 32 bouldering areas found.
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Bouldering Area Rock Type Ratings Review
Yosemite Valley Bouldering, CA, USA - The Wave . Click for details.
The Wave
Yosemite Valley Bouldering, CA, USA

The Wave Boulder.
Photo:Matt Wilder
v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v7, v8
3 Star Rating
Yosemite Valley Bouldering, CA, USA - Turtle Dome . Click for details.
Turtle Dome
Yosemite Valley Bouldering, CA, USA

The most popular boulder overlooks Yosemite Valley.
Photo:Chris McNamara
v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6
2 Star Rating
31 - 32 of total 32 bouldering areas found matching: Yosemite Valley << Previous Page   

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